Jack wakes up as if from deep sleep, breathing heavily. Looks around in a confused way at his surroundings his breathing becoming faster to portray his increasing confusion and distress.
Jack Struggles trying to get out of the chains. Once out of the chains he clutches his hands expressing pain. He stands up and staggers towards the door. Once outside he looks around as if he's even more confused than before. He spins around. Staggers more down the hill and falls over in pain, feeling for injuries. He looks at his hands, holding them close to his face. Then runs his hand up his arm. As he finds blooded bandage he expresses shock and distress. He lifts up his top finding wounds, and begins to express disturbance and slight hysteria. He walks back towards the building and he jumps in shock as his phone rings. He takes phone from pocket and holds it to his ear, a look of fear on his face.
Labels: China, Emma, Matt, Tom |